The femara worked and on Sunday an ultrasound showed one good sized egg (out of 20+ undersized follicles!) in my left ovary. It's kind of crazy that this ultrasound took place just ONE day from the exact date that we saw CC's egg for the first time. If I do get pregnant on this round, the due date is likely to be within 1 or 2 days of CC's.
Life is strange. And while I don't WANT to get my hopes up, I can't help but feel reassured by the coincidence.
No matter how often I lose my faith in kismet, close the door on optimism, or resign myself to the cruelty and randomness of life, I always seem to fall hard for the possibility of a baby. Even the hope, no matter how small, is intoxicating.
Hang on tight. Whatever comes next, I'm all in.